Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cast Your Own Shadow

Children growing up in a family where addiction is prevalent, often wind up making adjustments and compromises in order to survive in a sometimes hostile environment. By doing this, they often stifle their own identity and never achieve a healthy, mature personality. Experience has taught us that if a child in his early years takes a drink or drug and it makes them feel immeasurably better about their selves or their environment they will try it again and again and again until they are addicted to the illusionary, seductive feeling of well being..
Two out of three persons entering a treatment center are heard to say, “I just don’t know who, I am or where, I fit in.”  “I drink, to feel comfortable with myself and the world around me.” While treatment for chemical dependency can be effective, the relapse rate is high.
The most sensible long term solution to this problem is early prevention - accomplished through education, positive role modeling and counseling - especially with our youth, the most vulnerable group for the onset of the disease of addiction.
Most parents living in the state of California enroll their children in a swimming school when they learn to walk & run, knowing that the neighbor down the street might have a swimming pool and their children are at risk..  Should we do any less for our children when it comes to alcohol & Drugs?

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